Induction of antiviral interferon-stimulated genes by neuronal STING promotes the resolution of pain in mice

The Journal of clinical investigation . 2024 Mar 19;134(9):e176474. doi: 10.1172/JCI176474. Manon Defaye , Amyaouch Bradaia, Nasser S Abdullah, Francina Agosti, Mircea Iftinca, Mélissa Delanne-Cuménal, Vanessa Soubeyre, Kristofer Svendsen, Gurveer Gill, Aye Ozmaeian, Nadine Gheziel, Jérémy Martin, Gaetan Poulen, Nicolas Lonjon, Florence Vachiery-Lahaye, Luc Bauchet, Lilian Basso, Emmanuel Bourinet, Isaac M Chiu, Christophe Altier Abstract Inflammation and pain are intertwined

A novel Nav1.8-FLPo driver mouse for intersectional genetics to uncover the functional significance of primary sensory neuron diversity

iScience 2024 Mar 5;27(4):109396.  doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2024.109396. eCollection 2024 Apr 19. Pascale Malapert, Guillaume Robert, Elena Brunet, Jean Chemin, Emmanuel Bourinet, Aziz Moqrich  Abstract The recent development of single-cell and single-nucleus RNA sequencing has highlighted the extraordinary diversity of dorsal root ganglia neurons. However, the few available