Neuromodulation 2021 Apr22 doi: 10.1111/ner.13394. Julie Bulsei, Aurélie Leplus, Anne Donnet, Jean Regis , Christian Lucas , Nadia Buisset, Sylvie Raoul, Evelyne Guegan-Massardier, Stéphane Derrey , Bechir Jarraya, Dominique Valade, Caroline Roos, Christelle Creach , Stéphan Chabardes , Pierric Giraud, Jimmy Voirin, Sophie Colnat-Coulbois, Francois Caire, Philippe Rigoard , Eric Fontas
Neuromodulation techniques for acute and preventive migraine treatment: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
The Journal of Headache and Pain 2020; 21(1): 142. Xavier Moisset, Bruno Pereira, Daniel Ciampi de Andrade, Denys Fontaine, Michel Lantéri-Minet, and Jérôme Mawet Background Several neuromodulation methods exists for migraine treatment. The aim of the present study was to
Long-Term Efficacy of Occipital Nerve Stimulation for Medically Intractable Cluster Headache
Neurosurgery. 2020 Sep 28;nyaa373. doi: 10.1093/neuros/nyaa373. Aurélie Leplus, Denys Fontaine, Anne Donnet, Jean Regis, Christian Lucas, Nadia Buisset, Serge Blond, Sylvie Raoul, Evelyne Guegan-Massardier, Stéphane Derrey, Bechir Jarraya, Bich Dang-Vu, Frederic Bourdain, Dominique Valade, Caroline Roos, Christelle Creach, Stéphan Chabardes, Pierric Giraud, Jimmy Voirin, Jocelyne Bloch, Sophie Colnat-Coulbois, François Caire, Philippe Rigoard, Laurie Tran, Coralie Cruzel, Michel Lantéri-Minet , French ONS registry group
How Should we Use Multicolumn Spinal Cord Stimulation to Optimize Back Pain Spatial Neural Targeting? A Prospective, Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Controlled Trial (ESTIMET Study)
Neuromodulation, journal of the International Neuromodulation Society. 2020 Aug 31. Philippe Rigoard, Maxime Billot, Pierre Ingrand, Isabelle Durand-Zaleski, Manuel Roulaud, Philippe Peruzzi, Phong Dam Hieu, Jimmy Voirin, Sylvie Raoul, Philippe Page, Marie-Christine Djian, Denys Fontaine, Michel Lantéri-Minet, Serge Blond, Nadia Buisset, Emmanuel Cuny, Myriam Cadenne, François Caire, Danièle Ranoux, Patrick Mertens, Hussein Naous, Emile Simon, Evelyne Emery, Guillaume Béraud, Françoise Debiais, Géraldine
DBS for chronic cluster headache: meta-analysis of individual patient data
Annals of neurology 2020 Aug 22. Andreas Nowacki , Martin Schober , Lydia Nader, Assel Saryyeva , T A Khoa Nguyen , Alexander L Green , Claudio Pollo , Joachim K Krauss , Denys Fontaine , Tipu Z Aziz Objective: Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is a treatment alternative for refractory
Pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments for neuropathic pain: Systematic review and French recommendations
X Moisset 1 , D Bouhassira 2 , J Avez Couturier 3 , H Alchaar 4 , S Conradi 5 , M H Delmotte 6 , M Lanteri-Minet 7 , J P Lefaucheur 8 , G Mick 9 , V Piano 10 , G Pickering 11 , E Piquet 12 , C
Managing cluster headache with sphenopalatine ganglion stimulation: a review.
J Pain Res. 2018 Feb 16;11:375-381. doi: 10.2147/JPR.S129641. eCollection 2018. Fontaine D1,2, Santucci S1,2, Lanteri-Minet M2,3,4. Abstract Cluster headache (CH) is a primary headache and considered as one of the worst pains known to man. The sphenopalatine ganglion (SPG) plays
Peripheral Nerve Stimulation of Brachial Plexus Nerve Roots and Supra-Scapular Nerve for Chronic Refractory Neuropathic Pain of the Upper Limb.
Neuromodulation. 2017 Feb 3. doi: 10.1111/ner.12573. Peripheral Nerve Stimulation of Brachial Plexus Nerve Roots and Supra-Scapular Nerve for Chronic Refractory Neuropathic Pain of the Upper Limb.Bouche B1, Manfiotto M2, Rigoard P3,4, Lemarie J5, Dix-Neuf V5, Lanteri-Minet M6,7,8, Fontaine D2,7. AbstractOBJECTIVES:We report
Occipital nerve stimulation improves the quality of life in medically-intractable chronic cluster headache
Cephalalgia. 2016 Oct 3. pii: 0333102416673206.Occipital nerve stimulation improves the quality of life in medically-intractable chronic cluster headache: Results of an observational prospective study.Fontaine D1, Blond S2, Lucas C3, Regis J4, Donnet A5, Derrey S6, Guegan-Massardier E7, Jarraya B8, Dang-Vu