Contribution of Otoacoustic Emissions for Diagnosis of Atypical or Recurrent Intracranial Hypotension. A Cases Series.

Headache. 2019 Sep;59(8):1374-1378. doi: 10.1111/head.13621. Epub 2019 Aug 24. Redon S1, Elzière M2, Kaphan E3, Donnet A1,4. Abstract BACKGROUND: The diagnosis of spontaneous or post-traumatic intracranial hypotension mainly rely on clinical features and neuroimaging. In atypical presentations, other non-invasive tests

Sneezing in Primary Headaches With Cranial Autonomic Symptoms: Pathophysiological Considerations. A Series of Case Reports.

Redon S1, Donnet A1. OBJECTIVE: To report a case series of sneezing systematically occurring in two cases with migraine and cranial autonomic symptoms and two with cluster headache. BACKGROUND: Sneezing occurring systematically during cluster headache or migraine is a rare

French guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of classical trigeminal neuralgia (French Headache Society and French Neurosurgical Society).

Rev Neurol (Paris). 2017 Mar;173(3):131-151. doi: 10.1016/j.neurol.2016.12.033. Epub 2017 Mar 15. Donnet A1, Simon E2, Cuny E3, Demarquay G4, Ducros A5, De Gaalon S6, Giraud P7, Massardier EG8, Lanteri-Minet M9, Leclercq D10, Lucas C11, Navez M12, Roos C13, Valade D13,

Occipital nerve stimulation improves the quality of life in medically-intractable chronic cluster headache

Cephalalgia. 2016 Oct 3. pii: 0333102416673206.Occipital nerve stimulation improves the quality of life in medically-intractable chronic cluster headache: Results of an observational prospective study.Fontaine D1, Blond S2, Lucas C3, Regis J4, Donnet A5, Derrey S6, Guegan-Massardier E7, Jarraya B8, Dang-Vu