Revised guidelines of the French Headache Society for the diagnosis and management of migraine in adults. Part 1: Diagnosis and assessment

Revue Neurologique 2021 Sep;177(7):725-733. G Demarquay, X Moisset, M Lantéri-Minet, S de Gaalon, A Donnet , P Giraud, E Guégan-Massardier, C Lucas, J Mawet, C Roos, D Valade, A Ducro Abstract The French Headache Society proposes updated French guidelines for

Occipital Nerve Stimulation for Refractory Chronic Cluster Headache: A Cost-Effectiveness Study

Neuromodulation 2021 Apr22 doi: 10.1111/ner.13394.  Julie Bulsei, Aurélie Leplus, Anne Donnet, Jean Regis , Christian Lucas , Nadia Buisset, Sylvie Raoul, Evelyne Guegan-Massardier, Stéphane Derrey , Bechir Jarraya, Dominique Valade, Caroline Roos, Christelle Creach , Stéphan Chabardes , Pierric Giraud, Jimmy Voirin, Sophie Colnat-Coulbois, Francois Caire, Philippe Rigoard , Eric Fontas

Severe migraine and its control: A proposal for definitions and consequences for care

Revue Neurologique 2021 Mar 30; doi: 10.1016/j.neurol.2020.11.012.  Anne Donnet  , Anne Ducros  , Françoise Radat  , Bashar Allaf  , Isabelle Chouette  , Michel Lanteri-Minet Abstract Currently many patients with severe migraine do not receive appropriate treatment and are never referred to specialist headache centres.

A retrospective observation on 105 patients with chronic cluster headache receiving indomethacin

Neurological sciences 2021 Feb 5  doi: 10.1007/s10072-021-05114-4. Online ahead of print. Anaé Monta, Sylvain Redon, Cyprien Fabre, Anne Donnet Abstract Background: Indomethacin (IMC) as a prophylactic treatment is considered to be ineffective in cluster headache (CH). However, small series suggested the interest of

Stroke after spontaneous intracranial hypotension: Not a single mechanism. Case report and review of literature

Sylvain Redon  1 , Nadia Laksiri  2 , Emilie Doche  2 , Chloé Hirtz  3 , Gilles Brun  4 , Anne Donnet  5 PMID: 31948881 DOI: 10.1016/j.jocn.2020.01.019 Abstract Spontaneous intracranial hypotension (SIH) is a rare syndrome, typically manifests as orthostatic headache. Sometimes considered asbenignillness, neurological