Every year, the Brain Awareness Week is organized simultaneously in nearly 100 countries. More than 40 cities in France participate in this international event, nationally coordinated by the Society of Neuroscience. The aim is to raise general awareness of the importance of brain research and allow the general public to learn more about current research.
FHU INOVPAIN participated in this important event on the special HEALTH day at Nice University Hospital. Pr Denys Fontaine and Dr Michel Lantéri-Minet opened the first session "Live from the brain..." by presenting "Neuromodulation in chronic cluster headache : a Niçoise success story".
Special Health Day at Nice University Hospital -
Introduction of the 2018 brain week:
- Mr. Charles GUEPRATTE, General Director of the University Hospital of Nice
- Mrs Carole ROVERE, Inserm-IPMC researcher (CNRS-UNS)
- Ms. Sylvie MELLET, Director of the UCA Jedi Research Program
- Mr. Eric MONCH, Director of the DRCI of the Nice University Hospital
- Dr. Frédéric PRATE, Reference Center of Health Well-being, UCA
Session 1: 'Live from the brain ...'
9h15: "Neuromodulation in chronic and refractory cluster headache: a Niçoise success story" by Pr Denys FONTAINE, Neurosurgery Department - FHU INOVPAIN - Nice University Hospital and Dr Michel LANTERI-MINET, Head of the Pain Department - CHU de Nice
9:45: "Study of the real-time activity of the human motor cortex by ultra high frequency ultrasound" by Dr Fabien ALMAIRAC, Department of Neurosurgery - Nice University Hospital Dr. Charles RAFFAELLI, Department Head of the Department of UltraSons and Vascular Explorations - CHU Nice
Coffee break
10:30 Live retransmission of an endovascular occlusion of an unruptured intracranial aneurysm by Dr Yves CHAU HUU DANH, Neuro-interventional Unit, Imaging Pole - CHU Nice and Dr Raphaël BLANC, Deputy Head of Department, Interventional Neuroradiology Department, Rothschild Foundation, Paris.
Session 2: 'The limitless Brain ...'
13:30 : Technological projects within the SNPM & SLA service - CHU NICE Pr Sabrina SACCONI, Head of Nervous System Peripheral Muscle System and SLA, CRMR Manager Neuromuscular Diseases Child and Adult / Neurogenetics Competence Center
14:00 : Retransmission of a cognition / behavior stimulation session Prof. Philippe ROBERT, CMRR CHU Nice, Claude Pompidou Institute, CoBTek Laboratory - UNS
14.30 : Brain-computer interfaces to recover movement after paralysis Pr Christian Ethier, Department of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, Laval University, Quebec-CANADA, CERVO Research Center
14:15 : The augmented body: Brain-Computer Interface at the service of autonomy Mrs Maureen CLERC, Research Director - ATHENA Team - INRIA Nice-Sophia-Antipolis Dr. Marie-Hélène SORIANI, SLA CRMR and other Motor Neuron Diseases - CHU de Nice
Session 3: 'From innovation to direct use ...'
15h45: AXONIC Company (15mn) - SURGIFACE Company (15mn) - LUCINE Company (15mn)
17:15 pm Conclusions